Thursday, July 1, 2010

Website Holy Quran

Bismillah wal Hamdulillah..
Tadi check e-mail, jumpa link yang AMAZING.. Sangat teruja.. Boleh ambil manfaat darinya.. Boleh dengar bacaan al-Qur'an, baca, get translations each aayah, download..
Kat bawah nie serba-sikit keAMAZINGan this website.. Try masuk dulu..(sekarang tgh dengar bacaan dari Syeikh Saad Said al-Ghamidi dari web tue sambil berblogging)

It is an amazing website for the Holy Quran.
  1. Just put the mouse on any line and you will find the translation of that line.
  2. Or you can click the translation at the top of the page in the left corner for the entire Surah.
  3. On the left side for this website you can choose Surah (from all 114 Surah).
  4. Moreover you can choose any Aayah,
  5. Can search by the page number
  6. Also you can select the Qari whose recitation you want to listen …Please circulate for public benefit. Thanks and best regards

Hah, klik bawah nie ye.. Semoga bermanfaat..^_^
Tanzil : Quran Navigator

1 comment:

Afiqah / Cha'a said...

assalam, guruuuuuuuuu!!! kite carik Quran downloadable ni dh lme~~ dlu jmpe y online je.. huhuuhu.. trima kasih!!~~~ sng nnt. pe2 hal..


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